如果没有文革,如果今日中国实现了民主社会,那么发动西安事变的张学良无疑是千古功臣。可惜历史的走向由不得个人,免费看动漫不是谁都有胡适的眼光道 “共D无异于法西斯,他们来了,既无自由又无面包。” 张虽是个政治牺牲品,却是个有意思的人,过了有意思的一生。
「The illusion of effortlessness requires a great effort indeed.」「Old times were only good, if we hadn't let them go old.」「There are no happy endings in our future.」「It's quit easy to lie once you get started.」「I loved him, but sometimes, people who really love each other, well, they have an uncanny knack for making each other miserable.」「Time really can move in two directions. It doesn't matter to the universe anyway.」「It's good to be happy. But it's so fucking hard, you know.」【♫Carla Bruni - J'en connais♫】【♫Carla Bruni - Le plus beau du quartier♫】【♫Ripchord - Rilo Kiley♫】